EU Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, 2014-2020
indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATEr society
The goal of this 4-year project, which started in June 2020, is to turn wastewater into a resource, aiming in creating economic value and increasing sustainability by valorizing resources within the water cycle.
Nine business cases from the international agro-food, petrochemical and biotech sector were selected and the proposed approaches promise benefits such as lower costs as well as new types of revenues, by exploiting waste management: not only because it is a legal obligation but because it offers business opportunities.
During this project Greener than Green Technologies will collaborate with Alberta Fruit Processing Plant and develop and demonstrate a pilot plant as a prototype unit comprising hybrid adsorption – subcritical water extraction (SCWE), to extract high added-value compounds, such as antioxidants from wastewater streams, and an advanced oxidation process (AOP) technology, to treat residual wastewater. If deemed necessary, a suitable small bioreactor platform (SBP) may be employed simultaneously, in parallel or in series in
with the AOP to reduce further the organic content.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 869318